
One of the largest APBT databases.

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Welcome to APBR | American Pit Bull Registry Database

* * We currently have 46542 dogs in the database and 4235 users registered! * *


Click on our new Listing section on the menu to visit our new listing website where you can register as a breeder and/or sell your
dogs, equipment, advertise you stud or pet services.

The Online Pedigree database is only a tool and not APBR official registrations. Anyone has access to be able to load dogs and therefor, dogs loaded is not necessarily correct.

To obtain a Official Pedigree Certificate please go to the Certificate Tab

Newest Entries - here you find the newest entries and latest updates of existing entries

Search Dogs - use our search form to look for dogs fulfilling your search criteria

Browse Dogs - browse through all dogs available in our database


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